The author Vijay Govindrajan has given simpler answers to business owners and entrepreneurs who want to innovate their business but do not know the strategy for it. With the help of this book, a business can balance all its activities across the 3 boxes. While Box 1 is about the present competition, Box 2 and Box 3 pertain to future competition. It is vital for companies to focus on the future as well and not just the present hence the task is to manage all the 3 boxes.
The Three Boxes
The 3 boxes will help the owners to strategically manage innovation as detailed below:
· Box 1 - Forget about the Past
· Box 2 – Manage Present
· Box 3 – Create future
The author points out that the principle of non-linear innovation is the key to a business's success in an unpredictable environment. Much of a business's environment cannot be ascertained and business owners need to create strategies and manage with the uncertain future while also managing the core activities of the business.
The Best Book for businesses looking to innovate.
The book is realistic in all its conceptual models and gives a proper breakdown for you to innovate more.