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Writer's pictureDeepak Bhatt

Book Review: The Power Of Regret - Relive The Life Of Regret With Ease by Daniel H. Pink

A quote read, "A regret is a form of punishment itself." For many years the statement stood true but not now, no more. Here is a book to show the power of regret. The paradigm shift of regret never felt so alive. People die of regret, people feel miserable, the emotion of guilt bothers them, and in the end, is a sad human standing in front of the mirror wondering "Why God? Why?" The book "Power of regret" is the epitome of self-learning and full of positivity. In Daniel H. Pinks' words, “A solid foundation. A little boldness. Basic morality. Meaningful connections. The negative emotion of regret reveals the positive path for living”.

The author of this mighty book, Daniel H. Pink is known for his bestsellers. He has won many hearts and cured too. Books like When: The scientific secrets of perfect timing, To sell is human, Drive, A whole new mind, are just a couple of them to mention under his patronage and has sold millions of prints making the readers a reason to smile. The ' Power of Regret' is an optimistic book about self-forgiveness, learning to learn, and acknowledging the self-love that one deserves.

The dictionary meaning of regret is stated as an emotion of sadness, feeling of disappointment, and a sense of repentance, over an episode that one has done or failed to do. With this book, Daniel H. Pink has changed the meaning of regret altogether, bringing in the essence of its power and erudition from it. Many of us use the term, 'regrets' often and negatively, that we perhaps have never flipped the coin to see the other's side. Undoubtedly, regret is a part of our lives, but to live with it with a fresh insight is the game-changer.

Why Should You Read It?

If you are someone who wishes to lead a positive life, to out-power an emotion called regret and especially would love to live life without missing a beat, this book is for you. As a takeaway from this book, it teaches to make decision making better, set priorities straight, and work on the weaknesses as one's strength.

The book is with factually based surveys involving millions of people about their sensitivity towards the term 'regret'. It, therefore, helps the readers to associate with the author easily as they reckon with those people sooner or later. Pink has chalked down how basis on the regret people cry the most, helps to know what they cherish the most.

About The Book

The 14 chapter book is sub-divided into three categories. The first section is about Regret Reclaimed. It states why regret is an important emotion. The second section is about Regret Revealed, where the research and surveys take place. It is fascinating to know the questions and the analysis of the answers given. It is worth a read and aids in understanding the psychology behind the stigma of the word 'regret'. The third section bodes well with Regret Remade. It is a piece that every reader will associate with and learn how an optimistic approach can make a better living by turning regret into a positive force.

The Fourteen Chapters In A Glimpse

The fourteen chapters are a total breeze.

The first chapter on The Life-Thwarting Nonsense Of No Regrets takes to the association of how regret is all about guilt, the shame attached to it, and the pessimism baggage it holds.

The second chapter - Why Regret Makes Us Human, unfolds the truth that perhaps no human has had any regrets in his life unless Huntington's disease is a cause to it. Pink portrays the science of the mind in a layman's language that is easy to associate with.

The third chapter- At Leasts And If Onlys. The author has portrayed how human behaviour changes with every winning facet in life. Real-life examples are attached to this viewpoint.

The fourth chapter- Why Regret Makes Us Better, takes to a mood changer phase. As a bibliophile, the question within does arise as ' why regret makes us better?' The piece expresses how regret makes us better. It shows how it aids in the skills like decision making, improving performance, and finding profound meaning to the life bestowed onto us by the Almighty.

The fifth chapter takes down to Regret on the Surface, a breathtaking facet where Daniel reveals that regret is not restricted to only a certain number of things or emotions. It is not that 'My career is going through a rough phase and I regret taking up this career!'. It is not "Oh! How I wish I hadn't let my love go away!' Regrets in life are plenty and the array of bearings is different.

The sixth chapter The Four Core Regrets opens up to foundation, boldness, morals, and connection is aptly stated. Each core unfurls its exquisite nature. As a reader, it is realized that throughout the lifetime one has regretted one of the core.

The seventh chapter to the tenth chapter elaborates on the four cores in detail. While chapter seven confers about foundation regret talks about security and stability,

chapter eight addresses the boldness of regret that discloses missed opportunities.

Chapter nine spreads out on moral core about the conviction of one's good deeds.

Chapter ten is all about connection regret revealing ignoring those who were there for you and the reason for your survival.

The eleventh chapter on Opportunity and Obligation marks a thin line between the two. It makes a reader think and rethinks the four most valuable things (love, growth, goodness, and security/stability) It demarks the two roads to opportunity and obligation thereby.

The Twelfth chapter- Undoing and At Leasting reasons out the actions done. Pink displays human emotion hard so well that it hits that if one cannot undo the action, one tries to see the good aspect from it or let's say, grapes our sour!

The thirteenth chapter on Disclosure, Compassion and Distance is a life-changing promise one does to oneself. It is a chapter that reveals how regret can be a positive force by following the three traits; Disclosure by communicating the regrets, Compassion by showing consideration to oneself and last but not least, the distance by seeing the scenario from another perspective self-distancing.

The fourteenth and final chapter is about Anticipating Regret. It distinguishes the bad from the good and talks about how anticipating regret and being ready to take risks is the best way to lead a life in a completely positive way.

In a nutshell,

With engaging stories, witty liners, game-changing facets, Pink has kept the ball rolling. It is a guide for a perfect life full of regrets. It urges people to put an end to the regrets causing it to ruin their lives. Instead, take the learning and improve that one life we all have. The book is a bestseller for the clarity in thoughts, for laying out a fresh idea, and being easily accessible to the new world called 'Power of Regret.'

My Favorite Line of The Book-

The best line ever heard or written- Regret makes me human. Regret makes me better. Regret gives me hope - Daniel H. Pink.

Image courtesy: Google Images

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