Awe-Inspiring Handbook Of Leadership And Practice Is The Best Edition On Life Skill
We all have heard about great leaders and the changes that each one of them contributed to the world. We worship their work and like to follow in their footsteps. And yes, it is often said leaders are not born every day! What if there was a way to make oneself make one. The Handbook focuses on not only the theory aspect of leadership but also the way to practice it. Thousands of researchers are still working on how aspects like discipline, aspirations, conviction and other characteristics can produce a leader to look forward to. As much as it is believable to understand the research and the doctoral programs to understand the mission, " What makes a good leader", we often forget the leader within. The handbook talks about leadership and beyond. It is the scholarly nature and interests in the models of leadership in the book that one can see relate to. The dynamics of leadership are interpreted well. As a reader, it is overwhelming to see how beautifully each theoretical approach is linked with real-life experiences. If the objective of the co-authors was to bridge and explore leadership theory to show the people the way it can be practiced, I think it has been nailed well.
The 848 pages handbook is a sheer delight to read and get imminent life skills to learn from. The handbook is a bible. The term leadership is a strong attribute attached to big people or not-so-big people. For a layman, the deed of leading a group is leadership. The style of leadership can be different. It varies from ten styles to many. But that is not what the authors are focusing on here. The Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice is a balanced book of learn, adapt and practice.
About The Authors
Nitin Nohria needs no introduction in the Harvard Business School and its deans. He was the tenth dean at the Harvard Business School and now a par-excellence author. Rakesh Khurana, a quintessential professor of leadership development at Harvard School Business School, together make a power-packed impact on Handbook of Leadership Theory and practice.
Why Should You Read It?
The flow of the Handbook is easy and well connected. Considering 848 pages, a massive thesis to ponder on, but you can complete it in no time. It is in a language that is understandable by a layman too. For scholars, it is sacred for it talks about many leadership models and their association with them. The handbook states several transversal topics like culture, teamwork, ethics in work culture, gender, etc.
The handbook is a collection of-
· Thoughts of leading scholars
· Compilation of reading of leaders from different disciplinary backgrounds
· Essential elements of leadership ( Theory)
· Adopting essential elements of leadership ( Practice)
Nitin Nohria and Rakesh Khurana have thoughtfully justified how different theories react to diverse concepts and how the application is in real-life experiences. Their study is justified with intellectuals and leaders from distinctive backgrounds (sociology, history, economics, psychology, and more) to think carefully about the future leaders' agenda shaping the leadership qualities from theory to practice.
The Extract Of The Handbook Of Leadership And Practice
The guide enthralls what followers think and like to see in their leaders. Every B-school teaches how to be natal leaders yet the failure to nurture leaders is visible. The question here asked by the co-authors is pun intended Is the world creating the right leaders that a follower is looking for? Do we understand the characteristics of the followers, are we putting the theories rightly in practical use?
Content Of The Handbook
The handbook is an assemblage of five sections:
Section 1-The Impact Of Leadership
This section is divided into four mini divisions with sub-topics in it. The Impact of Leadership depicts the advancing leadership theory and practice and when does leadership matter? It talks about revisiting the meaning of leadership and expands the thoughts thereof.
As a reader, this was an insightful segment on advancing leadership theory and practice as it did show how the gap between the purpose and practice in organizations constituted to develop scholars. I enjoyed reading the brief history of leadership in organizational behavior, and the state of research on leadership.
It is an eye-opener when you read about when does leadership matters? It introduces leadership from a different perspective bringing in the contingent opportunities view of leadership.
Revisiting the meaning of leadership enlightened on its meaning-making. It elaborated on the meaningful action in institutions, identifying the scope of leadership activities, and of course, the relationship between the meaning–making and economic performance.
The section on What is this thing called Leadership could have been under the former head, I would give a glance as it clarifies the domain, the criteria, functions, context, and the conditions of leadership.
Section 2- The Theory Of Leadership.
The section is into eight parts with sub-topics in it. It is the longest section of the handbook.
As one reads, it does inspire one to read this section with a defensive mood. As one reads further, the clarity is crystal clear. Under the head of Leadership through an organization behavior lens topic, Nitin Nohria and Rakesh Khurana have put forth the historical trajectory of OB leadership theories. It also involves a brief survey of Empirical research on leadership and also a research agenda from the last half-century to the next.
Psychological perspectives on leadership explicate on developing as a leader to leading workgroups and teams and thereon leading organizations. The segment was well-drafted with agreeable terms.
One of the segments of this section is the Clinical Approach to the Dynamics of Leadership and Executive transformation. It is here where a lot is spoken about and clarified too. The clinical paradigm and the psychodynamics of leadership are rationalized in plain words for a learner to learn and execute. This section talks about leader derailment, changing leaders, and facilitating the process of change, which I think is by far the best part of this section.
The Classical Sociological approach to the study of Leadership is a sub-topic of brilliance. It accounts for the Weberian Approach, the Institutional Approach, the Neo- Marxist take on Leadership. What's interesting is the take on social networks and leadership and the way it is explained.
The segment on Economists' perspectives on leadership is a lot about control, delegation, and leadership. Nitin Nohria and Rakesh Khurana have well described the first generation models of leadership and the conceptual framework.
The Economic perspective on leadership topic is one of the attention-grabbing segments as the handbook intricate details on Prisoner's dilemma. It highlights the first to the sixth aspect of leadership. Practically, the book mentions all the aspects of leadership like enrollment, commitment, integrity, communication, and authenticity. So if you wish to jump onto or browse the handbook, do go through this segment for sure.
The last two segments under Theory or Leadership is about
· leadership and history
· power and leadership
One can find the richness of Redlich and the Research Center. Topics like soft power, power of following, a mixture of hard and soft power, power networks as well as political skills are convoluted in high spirits.
Section 3- The Variability Of Leadership
It is the shortest section that has only three sub-divisions.
The first topic is about leadership and cultural context. As the topic suggests it asserts leadership and cultural context and the research methodology.
The second topic is all about Women and Leadership. As much has been written about Women and leadership in the past, this handbook addresses every flaw of the system and how it can be perfected.
The third topic- A contingency Theory of leadership is about summing up the theory of leadership and selecting the contingent variables.
Section 4- The Practice Of Leadership
The first time I held the handbook in my hand, I directly went to this section as it was the latter title of the book that interested me more. Section 4 is full of real-time experiences and is relatable too. We usually get to the theory part of the book and forget. This handbook has kept the temperament going by giving examples and thus influencing the leader within. The section is further sub-divided into six divisions.
The first division affirms what is Leadership and the role of the CEO at large. This portion of the text brings in the realities of being CEO and the importance of indirect influence.
‘What makes Teams of Leaders Leadable’ comprises of four ironic features of leadership techniques and leadership teams. The topic is summed up properly.
One of the vital topics discussed in the Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice is the subject of Decision making as a Leadership Foundation. It is a must-read portion as it answers rightly why good and timely leadership decisions matter? How making optimal leadership decisions make a difference. The same is explained in plain words with no two ways of denying it.
Leading Change topic vindicates about leadership, organization, and social movements. It is backed by how, why, where, and the social leadership movement comes from. The passage is concluding with an interesting insight to it.
When earlier I mentioned changing the leadership in Modern World, I was inspired by this topic that spoke about Leadership in a Globalizing World. The chapter spoke about global trends that impact leadership to deconstruct macro-tends. It showcases the uncertainty and rapid change in institutional work, integrative work, or identity work.
The last topic of this section is on unlocking the slices of Genius in your organization. The extract has several facets to contemplate. It takes into account how leaders of innovation thinking. It is a worthy read about what leaders of innovation do. The takeaway from this passage is what is said about the future research agenda
Section 5- The Development of Leaders
It is the final section of the Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice. It is into four sub-divisions.
The first chapter of this section is about Identity. It states about the identity change in the transition to leadership roles. There is a whole new-based view of leader development. The extract is non-biased and is relevant.
The second division is about the Experience Conundrum. It is about the challenge for the practice, the challenge for research, and how to combat those.
The part on Leadership Development interventions could have been missed, however, since it illustrates the typology of formal leadership development approaches. So, yes, this can be given a sneak peek.
Pursuing authentic leadership development hints about the time, the origin, the roots of genuine development, and the developmental readiness. Both the co-authors have envisioned the future of genuine leadership development with appropriate reasoning and justification.
The last part on Adult Development and Organizational Leadership is a spectacular piece of work as it describes the three plateaus in adult mental complexity, the new view of age and mental complexity, and finally, the mental complexity and performance.
Final Verdict
The Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice is not an omnibus of how the personalities of a leader should be or what kind of styles a leader adopts. It is an edition of how essential elements of leadership when adopted aptly can make the modern world a better place to live in. It is more so important as it aids in the organizational structure for managers to achieve their objectives. The handbook is a suitable colloquium for leading modern organizations and learners of this contemporary world. Honestly, it is by far the most significant handbook for academic contemplation.